National Art Contest Details
Theme: Imagine a world...
Create an art piece that shows what life could look like in thousands of years. Whether that’s a world without war, a world with flying cars, or a world of virtual reality, possibilities are endless. Use your imagination to make something incredible!
National Art Contest Official Rules:
No registration fee. The deadline to submit an entry is Friday, April 15th, 2022 by 11:59 p.m. (PST).
Winners will be drawn from the following categories:
Submissions will be grouped into the following age groups:
Participants must be under the age of 18. Every participant may submit up to three entries, each through a separate entry form.
Submissions will only be accepted electronically, so be sure to take a clear photo of your entry only (not the matting). All entries must be original in concept, design and execution and may not violate any U.S. copyright laws. Any entry that has been copied from an existing photo or image (including a painting, graphic, or advertisement) that was created by someone other than the student is a violation of the competition rules and will not be accepted. Work entered must be in the original medium (that is, not a scanned reproduction of a painting or drawing.
Accepted mediums for the two-dimensional artwork are as follows:
Entry Information
Thank you for registering the contest.
Artwork Release:
We, the undersigned, represent that the art entry described above is an original work of authorship personally created by the undersigned student to which the student is entitled copyright protection. In consideration for the acceptance of the art entry by the Organization, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the undersigned grant the Member and the Organization the right to publicly display the art entry, if it is selected for display, in accordance with the rules of the Art Contest, for a period of one year from the latest date on this form. The undersigned acknowledge that the final decision regarding the suitability of an art entry to be displayed on the website will be made by the Organization. The undersigned also grant the Member, the Organization, the right to reproduce the art entry for any noncommercial purpose. The undersigned further release the Member, the Organization from any and all liability for damage, loss, or misappropriation of the art entry during and subsequent to the Art Contest. The undersigned further agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Member, the Organization, against any and all claims of any nature whatsoever, including, but not limited to, claims of copyright infringement, by any party whatsoever, arising out of or in any way related to the submission of the art entry in the Art Contest.
Artist's Signature: __________________________________________
Parent/Guardian's Signature: ___________________________________
Date: __________________________________________
Please Email your wet signed form to:
Subject: 2021 National Fine Art Contest
Attach the art electronically.
Mailing Address: 3011 Veteran Ave.,
Los Angeles, CA 90034
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